Kit Index Help

The VHI Exercise Kits are arranged in a hierarchical categorization. The Kit Index pages allow you to drill down through the hierarchy to find the exercises you're looking for. Below is an example of the top level index page for the Orthopedic Kit:

Most kits contain a top-level organization similar to the kit shown above. The "PC-Kits Exercise Order" is the exact same exercise order as is used by the VHI PC-Kits product in Windows. It is presented for those users who are accustomed to using the PC-Kits product and know where their favorite exercises are located.

The second ordering, "Ordered by Category", is presented as an alternate ordering which contains categories common to all the exercise kits. These categories are generic in nature and contain groupings such as, "Body Area or Part" and "Exercise Type" among others. The two images below show the two types of top level categorizations.

Both sorting orders contain the same exercises, so you may use which ever you find more comfortable.

Categories are opened and closed by clicking on the and icons to the left of the category name. Many of the kits are categorized with multiple levels, as shown below:

At the bottom of the categorization levels are the exercises themselves. The exercises are shown with one of two document icons to the left. The icon is used when an exercise also has an animated version available. If the exercise has no associated animation, the normal document icon is used.

At any time, you may click on the kit title to return to the top of the kit index:

Accessing Visual Indexes

In addition to the exercises listed by name, you can also view visual indexes of the exercises. There are three types of visual indexes available within this product:

This type of index shows the entire kit's exercises on one page. The exercises are presented by categories but listed in one long list of images. Many of the exercise kits contain hundreds of exercises, so use of this index isn't the recommended way to find an exercise. This index is provided for those who are used to using the printed "Visual Index" that comes with the paper kits or can be printed by the VHI PC-Kits Windows product.

This type of index shows only a single category's exercises as small images. The images are large enough to allow identification of an exercise but small enough to fit many on the screen at once. To use these index pages drill down through the categories until you find the category at the bottom of the chain and then click on the icon. All the exercises for that category will be presented on a single page. Depending on the number of exercises in the category, you may need to scroll down to see them all. This index is the recommended way to view the visual indexes.

This index shows the same exercise as the icon described above. The only difference is that the exercise images are larger. This allows you to see more details in the exercises but allows fewer of them to be shown on the page without scrolling. The same exercises are presented so using or is simply a matter of personal preference.

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